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Light Dimensions
Barcana is proud to bring you Light Dimensions by FDS illuminations. As the exclusive North American distributor for FDS illuminations, we now offer a product line unlike most anything else. The innovative and stunning designs keep on the cutting edge of large holiday decor while the exquisite attention to detail make these products unmatched in the industry. With thousands of pre-designed options and the ability to create nearly anything you can imagine, Light Dimensions is a truly unique offering. We believe when you see the quality of Light Dimensions in person, you’ll understand why this product stands above the rest.

FDS illuminations
Unlike the competition, over 90% of the products used to create these beautiful pieces are manufactured in-house. FDS illuminations’ quality management system ensures the highest quality products of their kind in the world. FDS illuminations sets themselves apart from the competition with:
Bracket Poly-carbonate and Rubber Protections
Metal Welders
Connection Boxes with IP68-69 rating
Branch Garland Productions
LED Strings and Rope Light with IP65-68 ratings
Aluminum Quality GOGO
ISO 9001 Certified
Patents on Innovative Systems
Awards and Certificates
Powder Coating Factory
Plexiglass Manufacturing
Sheet Metal Machinery
Green Factory: LED Lamps, Green Building, Recycling Processes, etc.
Light Dimensions Catalog
With thousands of pre-designed options as well as the option to have customized pieces, the possibilities of having the perfect display is endless.
The constant innovation of new designs brings the best out of your holiday display every single year.
All while maintaining top of the line quality building materials that will last all season long.
Take a look at the Light Dimensions Catalog to spark some creative inspiration as you plan out your holiday scene.
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